Alejandro Roemmers' 2022 Wrapped


71 flights in 1 aircraft

141.10 hours (5.88 days) spent flying

70,913 miles (114,124 kilometers) flown

70,269 gallons (265,996 liters) of jet fuel used

685.12 metric tons of carbon dioxide emitted

Alejandro Roemmers' private aircraft emissions exceeded the full carbon emissions of 44 average Americans!

Frequent Destinations

  1. White Plains, New York, USA

International Travel

  1. 🇮🇹 Italy 🇮🇹
  2. 🇨🇭 Switzerland 🇨🇭
  3. 🇬🇷 Greece 🇬🇷
  4. 🇪🇸 Spain 🇪🇸
  5. 🇻🇨 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 🇻🇨
  6. 🇧🇧 Barbados 🇧🇧